Monday, June 22, 2009

Disney Train Tour…

Disney is coming out with a new movie in November—“A Christmas Carol”.  To promote the movie they are doing a train tour around the united states & they stopped in Sacramento this past weekend.  The Volkman’s & our family went Saturday morning.  Good thing we went first thing, because as we came out of the tour the line was real long and it was getting HOT!  We had a great time.  In the train you got to see how they did the animation, pictures of the characters, costumes, figurines, models & at the end you got to take your picture and morph it into one of the characters.  It was really neat.  We then went and watched a preview in Disney Digital 3D.  Their 3D is amazing.  I had never seen it before.  It was such a great time at such a great price….FREE!!!

IMG_0923  The Volkman’s (minus Ryan-he was on a trek so he couldn’t be there) and Mikey & Lauren in front of the entrance to the train.

IMG_0926 Jim Carrey as a young Scrooge

IMG_0928 Colin Firth plays Fred (Scrooge’s nephew).  He’s one of my favorite actors!

IMG_0929 Lauren with one of the costumes.

IMG_0933 Marci, Dylan & Jason inside the train.

IMG_0935 Busts of Scrooge & Bob Cratchit (Gary Oldman)

IMG_0938 I love this picture because it looks like Hailey is actually touching the model.

IMG_0942 This may be our Christmas pic :o)

IMG_0944 Love the 3D glasses!!

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