Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Glasses!! **

Well, I got new glasses. What'ya think? Not too bad. At least I can see better. I haven't worn glasses, I can't remember when. I had lasik done in '03. That helped a lot until the end of last year. My right eye is the bad one. I am nearsighted. The doctor told me that in about 5 years I would be needing reading glasses also. Talk about feeling old!!!
**update--No new glasses. They got returned for now. Dental work needs to be done and that comes first. I can wait for the glasses. The doctor said my eyes were good enough to pass DMV, so Mikey can have his crowns and possible root canal. Thank goodness it isn't me.

1 comment:

The 3 Walkers said...

They look GREAT! My Dr. always asks me if I want to do Lasik, but almost EVERYONE that I've known that has had it done had to start wearing glasses or contacts after about 5-8 years. So I just never want to do it. Thankfully I don't have any problem with contacts! I'm just too much of a chicken to let anyone near my eyes with a LASER! I keep asking her if they can do 1 eye @ a time in case they blind me! She just laughs at me...every year! :-D